Saturday, 14 June 2008

Emilo Largo

mi6 Dossier
subject:Emilo Largo
Employnmet:This millionair is second in command of SPECTRE and is head of extortion operations.
Appearance:sports a black eyepatch over his left eye and wears a SPECTRE ring on his right hand.
Known associates:Ernest Stavro Blofeld, fiona volpe, and girlfreind dominique domino derval.
Behavior:charming but ruthless. because his henchman quist failed to kill 007 Largo threw him into a shark pool as punishment!
Tommorow Never Dies

mi6 offical report on elliot carvers attempt to dominate the worlds media by starting a major war.

Case Summary
when the frigate HMS Devonshire was sunk in chinese waters,M orderd 007 to look into the cause.
bond centred his investigation around media mogul Elliot Carver,whose newspaper,tommorow,had reported on the incident hours before mi6 Knew about it.

Bond found out that Carver had used a GPS encoder to direct the Devonshire into chinese territorial waters. Carvers stealth ship, which couldent be detected by radar, sank a ship and stole its nuclear missiles.Carver planned to fire a missile at beijing,starting a war between England and China - all to ensure the success of his new 24hour satellite news channel.

wai lin-the chinese agent worked with 007 to find out what lay behind the hostilities between the chinese armed forces and the british navy.
paris carver-Carvers wife helped bond -so he ordered her death and tried to make it look like bond had murdered her.
Jack Wade-the brash CIA agent heiped bond reach the site of the sunken HMS Devonshire.

Elliot Carver-this ruthless buissnessman wanted to rule the media. He believed thats theres no news like bad news -especially if it made him money!
stamper-Carvers number two was a callous killer whose nervous system made him feel pleasure when he should feel pain.
Dr Kaufman-thi intelligent assassins hobbies included torture! He was responsible for the death of Carvers wife, paris.

Stealth Ship-Carvers catamaran was invisable to radar ,had facilities to fire nuclear missiles and housed the sea vac drill.
Bmw 750IL-Qs latest impressive vehicle contained 12 missiles and a formidable securtity system, including electric shocks and tear gas! the car also had re-inflatable tyres.
Bmw r1200 motor cycle-Hand cuffed together ,007 and Wai Lin used this bike to escape rooftops after infiltrating carvers HQ in saigon.